Science, Math, and
Quantum Teleportation Achieved Over Internet
For The First Time
"A quantum state of light was successfully teleported
through more than 30 kilometers (around 18 miles) of fiber
optic cable amid a torrent of internet traffic – a feat of
engineering once considered impossible."
By Mike McRae
( (agsandrew/Getty Images)
What is Dark Energy?
"The standard cosmological model is simple. The expanding
Universe has the total mass density corresponding to a
nearly flat geometry and its mass budget today is
dominated by two components: a cosmological constant -
labeled as “dark energy” and weakly-interacting particles
- labeled as “dark matter."
Avi Loeb
( (Image credit:
‘Once in a Century’ Proof Settles Math's
Kakeya Conjecture
"The deceptively simple Kakeya conjecture has bedeviled
mathematicians for 50 years. A new proof of the conjecture
in three dimensions illuminates a whole crop of related
problems. "
By Joseph Howlett
( photo via
Scientists Confirm The Universe Is Expanding
Too Fast
"For the better part of a century, astronomers have
understood that what started as a concentration of mass
and energy crammed into a confined space is now a dazzling
spread of galaxies cast adrift on an expanding sea of
By Mike McRae
( (Mark Garlick/Science Photo
Library/Getty Images)
Joint & Muscle Therapy
"Soothing Comfort for Back, Neck, Hands, Feet - Premium
Whole Body Rub with Arnica, Vitamin B6 MSM & Boswellia
- Non-Greasy 2oz Cream."
Dark Energy May Not Exist: Something
Stranger Might Explain The Universe
"There might not be a mysterious 'dark' force accelerating
the expansion of the Universe after all. The truth could
be much stranger – bubbles of space where time passes at
drastically different rates."
By Michael Irving
( (Volker Springel/Max Planck Institute
for Astrophysics/et al)
Editor's picks: 2024's most exciting
technology advancements
"AI dominated tech news this year, but has the technology
actually been improving? We review the leaps we've seen,
as well as what's new in the world of quantum computing."
By Keumars
Afifi-Sabet ( (Image credit: sarayut
Thaneerat via Getty Images)
The Year in Math
"In May, a team of nine mathematicians announced a major
breakthrough. They had proved what is called the geometric
Langlands conjecture - a central component of a broader
research program to build a “grand unified theory” of
mathematics. This wasn’t the only major advance of 2024."
Jordana Cepelewicz
( (photo via
James Webb telescope watches ancient
supernova replay 3 times - And confirms something is
seriously wrong in our understanding of the universe
"The James Webb Space Telescope has zoomed in on an
ancient supernova, revealing fresh evidence that a crisis
in cosmology called the Hubble tension isn't going
anywhere soon."
By Ben Turner
( (Image credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, B.
Frye (University of Arizona), R. Windhorst (Arizona State
University), S. Cohen (Arizona State University), J.
D’Silva (University of Western Australia, Perth), A.
Koekemoer (Space Telescope Science Institute), J. Summers
(Arizona State University).)
Do We Need a New Theory of Gravity?
"Since Newton had his initial revelation about gravity,
our understanding of this fundamental concept has evolved
in unexpected ways. In this week’s episode, theoretical
physicist Claudia de Rham and co-host Janna Levin discuss
the ways our current understanding of gravity needs to
continue to evolve. "
Janna Levin
( (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA)
Is Dark Matter Made of Primordial Black
"Less than a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang,
rare regions in the Universe may have had a radiation
density above a critical value within their cosmic horizon
so that their self-gravity overcame cosmic expansion and
made them collapse to a primordial black hole."
By Avi Loeb
( (Image credit: NASA)
The unsung 'cognitive expertise' needed to
excel in elite sports
"In sports, physical training is often emphasized over
cognitive, but both are required to excel, experts say."
By Kylie A Steel,
Todd Pickering, Clare MacMahon ( (Image
credit: Ethan Glading / American Criterium Cup via
Antimatter detected on International Space
Station could reveal new physics
"Eight years ago, the International Space Station detected
weird antimatter particles that challenge our entire
understanding of physics. Now, researchers have proposed
that mysterious cosmic "fireballs" could help explain the
By Andrey Feldman
( (Image credit: NASA via Getty Images)
Mice That Eat Less Live Longer - And We May
Finally Know Why
"We've known for over a century that mice and rats live
longer when they are fed less, but a new study reveals the
secret might be an imbalance between energy consumed and
burned, rather than a lack of energy or protein."
By Rebecca Dyer
( (Billion Photos/tbd/Canva Pro)
Monumental Proof Settles Geometric Langlands
"A group of nine mathematicians has proved the geometric
Langlands conjecture, a key component of one of the most
sweeping paradigms in modern mathematics."
By Erica Klarreich
( Nan Cao for Quanta Magazine
Podcast: Alison Roman Answers Your
Hard Questions
"We tackle quandaries like, Should you sign away your
children’s image rights in order to get them into your
preferred day care? Is hacking people for fun ever OK? And
does it matter if we’re rude to our digital assistants?"
Hosted by Kevin
Roose and Casey Newton Produced by Rachel Cohn and Whitney
Jones Edited by Jen Poyant Engineered by Chris Wood
Original music by Dan Powell, Marion Lozano and Rowan
Wild New Study Suggests Gravity Can Exist
Without Mass
"What is gravity without mass? Both Newton's revolutionary
laws describing its universal effect and Einstein's
proposal of a dimpled spacetime, we've thought of gravity
as exclusively within the domain of matter."
By Clare Watson
( (Gremlin//Canva Pro)
What is the 3-body problem, and is it really
"The three-body problem is a physics conundrum that has
boggled scientists since Isaac Newton's day. But what is
it, why is it so hard to solve and is the sci-fi series of
the same name really possible?"
By Skyler Ware
( (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
Radical Quantum Breakthrough Could Charge
Batteries in a Snap
"Batteries based on the wave-like nature of charged
particles could revolutionize energy storage, potentially
cramming in more power at a faster rate than conventional
electrochemical cells could ever hope to manage."
By Mike McRae
( (MF3d/Getty Images)
Scientists Find a Fast Way to Describe
Quantum Systems
"After years of false starts, a team of computer
scientists has found a way to efficiently deduce the
Hamiltonian of a physical system at any constant
Chandrasekaran ( (image:
A Rosetta Stone for Mathematics
"In 1940 André Weil wrote a letter to his sister, Simone,
outlining his vision for translating between three
distinct areas of mathematics. Eighty years later, it
still animates many of the most exciting developments in
the field."
By Kevin Hartnett
( (Image Credit not Found)
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