eBike News, Reviews, Tech
Honbike Uni4
"Smooth-riding, light on maintenance and very nice to look
at, the Honbike Uni4 gets you a touch of the unusual."
(ebiketips.road.cc) (Credits not Found)
This is the funky electric bike that got
Himiway sued for copying its design
"When Himiway rolled out its new Pony micro eBike a few
months ago, the blurry line between imitation and
inspiration seemed quite clear to JackRabbit, who alleges
that Himiway ripped off the design of its popular electric
micro eBike."
By Micah Toll
(electrek.co) (electrek.co) (Image Credit not Found)
Lemond Prolog Electric Bike Review, 2023
"Lightweight and life-changing; this carbon fiber city
eBike leans toward loyal cyclists looking for a
traditional bicycle feel."
By: John S. Bozick
(electricbikereport.com) (Image Credit not Found)
Bianchi E-Omnia X-Type SX 12SP Review
"A hardtail cross country eBike with custom integrated
lights, unique angular fenders, powerful hydraulic disc
brakes, and sturdy thru-axles. Available in three sizes,
high-step only."
(electricbikereview.com) (Image Credit not Found)
9 great eBikes from The Cycle Show 2023
"The Cycle Show has been and gone for another year, but
the most recent edition had plenty of eBikes for us to
ogle with an entire hall dedicated to them."
Rebecca Bland
(ebiketips.road.cc) Photo: Rebecca Bland
The Sea Otter Classic: Day 3’s Coolest Stuff
"The Sea Otter Classic, by virtue of having started as a
mountain bike race, sees more eMTBs displayed than any
other category of eBike."
Patrick Brady
Yes, I ride my electric bike with the power
off. Here’s why
"It might sound strange since electric bikes are known for
their ability to ride faster and farther with less
exertion, but I often ride my e-bike with the power turned
By Micah Toll
(electrek.co) (electrek.co) (Image Credit not Found)
Mark2 X-Cross 520
"An excellent general-purpose bike that can be geared
toward longer rides but will do just as well for
By Ian Evenden
(ebiketips.road.cc) Photo by Ian Evenden
Test the new Bosch eBike ABS at The Cycle Show
"Incredible breakthrough eBike technology, including ABS
anti-lock braking, from serial eBike innovator Bosch will
be available to test at this year's Alexander Palace Cycle
road.cc Tech This
article includes paid promotion on behalf of Bosch
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