Training, Workouts, Health and More
How To Get Stronger Legs For Cycling.
"When it comes to your muscles, cycling is a
predominantly lower extremity exercise. Not including
your heart, your legs are pumping harder than anything
else in your body."
By Eric Lister
( (Image Credit not Found)
How to use a power meter to your advantage
in CycloCross.
"Looking at anything besides the course right in front
of you is nearly impossible in a cyclocross race as the
intensity in a cyclocross race and technical demands of
cycling force you to be present each moment."
By Hunter Allen
( (Image Credit not Found)
What is cardiovascular endurance?
"An exercise physiologist explains what cardiovascular
endurance is and how to improve it."
By Amber Sayer
( © Andrew White/Red Bull Content Pool
This Pre-Ride Warm Up Will Make You A Better
"Most people don’t even bother with a proper warm up
before biking. They figure they’ll just ease into the
ride and then kick it into high gear when everything
starts to feel loose. It’s a common problem."
By Eric Lister
( Source: Andriy Bezuglov Adobe Stock
Stretching for Post-Ride Recovery.
"As our muscles perform their duty of flexing or
extending joints in our body, they either contract
(shorten), or extend (lengthen)."
By Scott Steele
( (Photo: Cor Vos)
How to Grow Old Gracefully As a Cyclist.
"Is Father Time catching up with you on the group ride?
This checklist may help you determine if it’s time to
prepare for the next phase of your cycling life."
By Eben Weiss
( (Image credit: Getty Images)
How to Set Up a Bike Trainer Space in Your
"A dedicated indoor trainer setup will make your
Zwifting infinitely more fun - and more bearable. Set up
your paincave like this."
By Molly Hurford
( (Image Credit not Found)
Exercise More And Live Longer: Proven!
"Two major studies, involving at least 100 000 people
each, say that exercise helps you live longer."
By Elizabeth
Millard ( (Max Berger -
Cadence Tips.
"Pedaling is the most important skill for a cyclist to
master. Yet, because most people learn to pedal as
toddlers, there’s an assumption we’ve mastered it by
adulthood through sheer repetition."
By Chris
Carmichael ( (Image Credit not Found)
Cycling and HRT: How will it affect me?
"Phil Cavell quizzes two experts on the efficacy of
hormone replacement therapy and testosterone replacement
therapy for older cyclists."
By Phil Cavell
( (Image Credit not Found)
The Biomechanics of Climbing: Stand and
"Cycling is built on the lore of climbing big mountains,
that epic battle of humans versus the environment. But
surprisingly, not that much research has explored the
biomechanics of climbing."
By Stephen
Cheung ( (Photo: Cor Vos)
Wahoo unveils sports science facility in
"The fitness technology brand behind popular trainers,
bike computers, pedals, and more aims to improve future
products and training plans through research at the new
By William Tracy
( Photo: Wahoo
7 Bedtime Stretches - Wind Down and Get
"Make these easy stretches the last thing you do before
you go to bed, and watch your rest and recovery scores
go off the charts."
By Jenny McCoy
( (Image Credit not Found)
Ready to repeat? How to race back-to-back
"From same-day events to races scheduled over many
weeks, here are some insider tips on how to manage
efforts and recovery across a crowded race calendar."
By Hannah Otto
(Finchamp) ( Usage for editorial use only
Are You Ready to Train?
"How to tell when you're ready to drop the hammer."
By Scott Steele
( contador everesting
Giant Study Identifies Exercise Sweet Spot.
"The potential impact of
physical activity on health is great, yet it remains
unclear whether engaging in high levels of prolonged,
vigorous or moderate intensity physical activity above the
recommended levels provides any additional benefits."
Hone Your Gravel Bike Handling Skills.
"As we surf the wave of the gravel bike - and event -
revolution, let's take some expert tips on how to ace
the terrain, no matter your bike."
By Chris Hadgis
( Photo: Jacques Marais
5 tips to get better sleep.
"Stress negatively impacts your sleep, which could
affect your cycling performance."
By Matt Hansen
( (Photo: Oliver Woodman / Immediate
Media -
Does massage work?
"We've been enjoying a relaxing back rub for millennia,
but does it actually work?"
By Dr Claire
Asher ( (Image Credit not Found)
Tips On How To Rehydrate The Body.
"Dehydration may be detrimental to your health. After
all, water performs several bodily functions, such as
lubricating joints, digesting nutrients, and controlling
body temperature."
( (image:
The Strength Training Sins of Social Media.
"I’ve been around the world of strength training for
quite some time, long enough to recognize and understand
the trends that come and go."
By Menachem
Brodie ( (Image Credit not Found)
Airofit PRO Review - Training Your
"But before watts there was VO2 max or maximal aerobic
capacity, which is a measurement of the maximum amount
of oxygen your body can effectively use during
By Chuck Peña
( Photo: Chuck Peña
Are sports bras bad for you?
"We’re advised to wear them for exercise but are sports
bras bad for you?"
By Vicki-Marie
Cossar ( (Image credit: Getty Images)
Broken Scale.
"A broken scale may or may not tell you something you
want to know. It may say you’re doing ok. It may tell
you you’re good enough."
By Emlyn Lewis:
( (Image Credit not Found)
Why Riding Every Day Is Good For You.
"Riding your bike every day will make you all sorts of
good things - from happier to fitter, leaner to
By Selene Yeager
( (Image Credit not Found)
How to cram for your first gravel race - In
10 days.
"An 'old' ex-pro roadie grapples with the reality of
middle age and real life, while trying to make sense of
his ever-devolving ego in the midst of the gravel
By Alex
Candelario ( Photo: Alex Candelario
Can the CICO Diet Help You Reach Your
Nutrition Goals?
"Whether you’re aiming to lose or gain weight,
practicing the CICO diet - which stands for calories in
calories out - offers one way to help you maintain a
balance between taking in energy and expending it."
By Monique
Lebrun ( (Image Credit not Found)
Is Cycling Bad for Your Knees?
"One big reason people get into cycling is that it’s a
low-impact sport, meaning it’s gentle on your knees and
other joints. However, it’s also extremely repetitive."
By Selene Yeager
( Image - iStock
Nutrition and Training: Hydration for
"Problems related to the hydration of cyclists and the
athlete’s organism are still quite common. Although
there is a growing awareness of the importance of this
issue, the estimation of the water-electrolyte balance
in periods around training or competitions leaves much
to be desired."
( Photo: We Love Cycling
What is Whoop? A complete guide.
"A complete guide to the data-driven wrist strap
displayed at the Giro d’Italia."
By Zach Nehr
( Photo: Greg Kaplan
The Benefits of Heat Training for Cyclists.
"Cyclists continuously look for ways to beat the heat
and gain an edge in performance. Heat training is a
strategy which can meet both of these needs."
By Kristen
Arnold ( Photo: Erik Vermeulen/The Munga
Beat the Heat - Are Ice Vests Effective?
"For endurance sports, the evidence is clear and
unequivocal that performance is impaired with higher
ambient temperatures."
By Stephen
Cheung ( (Image Credit not Found)
5 Fixable Reasons You’re Not Getting Faster.
"We’ve all hit that depressing plateau - your friends
are getting faster, but you are stuck. No matter what
you try, no matter how many more miles you put in,
everything just stays the same."
By Selene Yeager
( (Image Credit not Found)
What are the benefits of squats?
"The benefits of squats are wide and varied - discover
the science behind why this type of compound exercise is
so beneficial."
By Becks Shepherd
( (Image credit: Getty Images)
Which muscles does spinning work?
"Indoor cycling is a firm favorite with fitness
fanatics - but which muscles does spinning work? Find
out with our essential guide."
By Howard
Calvert ( (Image credit: Getty Images)
Are protein bars good for you?
"Are protein bars good for you? We weigh up the case for
and against using a high-protein snack to build muscle,
support weight loss and give you an energy boost"
By Joanne
Lewsley ( (Image credit: Getty
5 tips for your first criterium.
"If you are considering a crit, maybe it’s been a while
since you’ve done one, here are ideas from Coach Peter
By Matt Hansen
( (Image Credit not Found)
Can Heat Training Slow You Down?
"Much research has gone into studying both the
physiological benefits from heat adaptation along with
the practicalities of getting heat adapted."
By Stephen
Cheung ( (Image Credit not Found)
What causes muscle fatigue?
"Want to keep your performance high? Here’s what causes
muscle fatigue and how to avoid it."
By Will McAuley
( (Image credit: Getty Images)
How hard is the Giro d’Italia?
"Data provided by WHOOP for the 2021 Giro d’Italia shows
what it takes to ride the Italian Grand Tour."
By Paul Norman
( (Image Credit not Found)
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